How to fix Hulu error code P-EDU122

How to fix Hulu error code P-EDU122

Dealing with a streaming app partner that has a lot to offer is a fantastic way to receive our preferred pleasure. A Hulu subscription, which is regarded as one of the tops and leading streaming services in the United States, is an excellent choice. You will never be late for entertainment with its wide library collection. Hulu can also provide you with some of its best originals as well as the most popular shows and movies on the market today. You will never be late for the freshest, newest, and most popular series to binge-watch today.

However, even if it appears to be great, there may be issues with the app that are not so flawless. When attempting to view content on Hulu, some users have reported a playback difficulty. They receive a notification error informing them that they are experiencing a Hulu error code P-EDU122. This is why their streaming is being disrupted. This article will explore the reason for this problem and offer solutions for resolving it.


  • When you receive the Hulu error code P-EDU122, it signifies you are viewing Hulu TV series and movies while outside of its service boundaries. Because Hulu is only available in the United States, geographical restrictions can cause the Hulu error P-EDU122. If Hulu detects that your present location is outside of Hulu’s service region, which is the United States, the geo-restriction error appears and disables you from streaming video. This is just simple to fix; simply continue reading below and verify the solution made to assist you, then follow the steps based on the solutions provided.


  • Fortunately, there are solutions available to assist you in troubleshooting and resolving this Hulu error code. To learn more, look at the solutions listed below.

Solution#1:  Update Your Hulu App

  • Remove the Hulu app from your smartphone.
  • Wait a few moments.
  • Relaunch the Hulu app and try again to stream.

Solution#2:  Try Streaming Other Hulu Content

  • If you are attempting to watch Live TV, you can exit and browse other non-live shows.
  • For a few minutes, play the video.
  • Then, return to Live TV and relaunch it.

Solution #3: Go to Settings and clear the Hulu cache.

  • The procedures to clear Hulu Cache differ depending on the device. Overall, you will need to go to your device’s Settings menu.
  • Navigate to Apps.
  • Choose Hulu.
  • Click the Storage tab
  • Choose Clear Cache.

Solution #4: Use a Different Device

  • You could try to watch your Hulu episodes on another device.  
  • If you are now using your computer browser, consider switching to another browser or another streaming device.

Solution #5: Sign up for a VPN.

  • Using a reliable VPN is another approach to get around the P-EDU122 error code. Many individuals prefer to use a VPN to change their address to circumvent the site’s territorial restrictions.
  • The procedure is the same as proxy disguising the IP address. VPN encrypts data traffic, providing you with anonymity while online.
  • Similar to proxy tools, you may be able to find various VPNs that will allow you to change your location to any place in the United States.
  • Just like with proxy tools, you must exercise caution while selecting a VPN.

Solution #6: Allow for Hulu to fix the issue.

  • Even if you are in the United States and are still receiving the error code P-EDU122, you may be experiencing a problem. You should not be concerned if a server-side bug is automatically resolved after some time.

Conclusion: That’s all there is to it; this article has already covered all of the various solutions to the Hulu Error Code P-EDU122. If you face this problem while traveling outside of the United States, you can attempt generic solutions. And use the Hulu app to re-watch your favorite TV series and movies.

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